Concert Pieces

Concert Pieces

Display list of:

Each of our 16 concert pieces below contains hundreds of images, and many are set to multiple music options.

Czech JourneysCzech JourneysCzech Journeys

Smetana and Dvořák’s famed homeland, from rolling Bohemian countryside and Moravian charm to the Old World–magic of Prague. Choreographed for music by

Dvořák, Fibich, Smetana

National Park SuiteNational Park SuiteNational Park Suite

An inspiring celebration of America the Beautiful and its remarkable National Parks. Choreographed for music by

Beethoven, Copland, Dvořák, Ives, Vaughan Williams


A portrayal of nature’s seasonal transitions in a peaceful, almost storybook-like setting. Choreographed for music by

Beethoven, Dvořák

Two additional programming options

We also create custom concert pieces for orchestras using new or community-sourced photography. Both projects are well-suited for a variety of music, topics and budgets.